Greymatter brings an innovative approach that include seniors at the heart of rural and urban renewal. Active senior + integrated health = Future Neighborhood!

We leverage the neighborhood’s character and transform existing spaces to foster inclusive development, integrating community needs and promoting vibrant, sustainable environments that enhance social cohesion and accessibility.

0180% of health factors exist outside of clinical treatment.
Greymatter expands clinical care beyond institution, integrating health services into neighborhoods, turning them into hubs for proactive health and prevention.

02Our society is changing faster than ever
1/4 of the European population will be 65+ in 2040. Some municipalities in Norway already sees in 2023 more seniors than youth in their demographic shifts, a country-wide situation in 10 years. At the same the next generation is struggling to find its place in a changing society.
03Recognising key actors, and their interdependencies
Greymatter finds new opportunities between the key actors of the project, active & dependent seniors, health professionals, care givers and the youth to define a new ecosystem of health where people live, at the heart of our neighborhood.
04A growing shortage of health professionals
Europe faces a shortage of nearly 1 million health workers, exacerbated by the ‘brain drain’ of doctors and nurses to countries offering better conditions and pay, and a skills mismatch among health professionals that wastes resources and undermines healthcare delivery.